Contribution Honoring Minquas Fire Company
By President John Sly
March 17, 2014

On Monday, March 17th, 2014 a presentation was made during St. Patrick's Day festivities at the Molly Maguire's Pub in Downingtown honoring the members of the Minquas Fire Company.

Two years ago, when the Minquas Fire Company moved from their old firehouse at 202 E. Lancaster Avenue, which is now the location of Molly Maguire's Pub, they permanently closed their social and club room bar which had operated at the firehouse since 1948.

When they constructed the new firehouse, the members decided not to construct a new club room, and this left the decision of what to do with the liquor license up to their membership.

For many years, we have rented our Picnic Grove facilities for many parties, graduations, and social events. These events sometimes involve alcohol on our property, however we had no control of the distribution of this alcohol since we were not licensed to provide any.

President Sly contacted Minquas President Miller to inquire about the status of the license, which Westwood was interested in.

The membership of the Minquas Fire Company voted to transfer the license to our property, enabling us to keep the liquor license in use through another Fire Company in Chester County.

A plaque deplicting the original Minquas fire station, signifying our appreciation to the Members of the Minquas Fire Company was presented to Molly Maguire's Co-Owner Declan Mannion to be displayed at the restaurant, which is themed with various fire memorabilia from the Minquas Fire Company and organizations surrounding Downingtown.

Our thanks goes to the Minquas Fire Company and Molly Maguire's for showing support of the dedication of the volunteer Fire Companies of Downingtown.

Mutual Aid: Minquas Fire Company