67th Annual Banquet
By President John Sly
April 19, 2014

On Saturday, April 19th, 2014 the Westwood Fire Company celebrated another successful year at our 67th Annual Banquet.

This year's banquet, which highlights our 2013 operating year, was held at the Coatesville Country Club.

All of our active crew members, bingo helpers, social members, neighboring fire company Chiefs, Township Supervisors, and several special guests were invited to attend in appreciation for all that our members and friends do to keep the fire company operating throughout the year.

The banquet began at 6PM with an hour of hors d'oeuvres and socializing, with dinner and our welcoming introductions starting at 7PM.

President Sly welcomed all in attendance and thanked everyone for coming, followed by Chaplain Amer leading everyone in a prayer and salute to the flag.

Following the flag salute, Chiefs McWilliams and Sly then introduced our visiting guests and honorees. Chief McWilliams welcomed our neighboring Fire Company officers while Past EMS Chief Sly introduced our EMS guests and municipal officials.

Everyone was then dismissed by table by the staff of the Country Club for a buffet style dinner.

As dinner was concluding, it was time to begin the banquet presentations and awards ceremonies.

President Sly announced that all active members would be recognized for a newly created "Years of Service" award. Each member was recognized in groups depending upon how many consecutive active years of service had been provided to the Fire Company. Each member received a pin signifying their service in 5-year increments.

Next, Deputy Chief Taylor of the Valley Forge Fire Company was recognized for his assistance provided to Westwood 2013, supplying his vast culinary and bar service experience (and tonight's photography services!) for several of our special events.

A special award presented each year is the Joseph Sweigart Memorial Award, also known as our President's Award. Joe was our longtime President who served the Fire Company for many years. Each year, one member of the Fire Company will be chosen to receive this award in memory of Joe. He or she who is chosen is someone in the Company who goes above and beyond the call of duty on a daily basis, provides dedicated service to the Company and Community, and advances the Fire Company to new levels as we progress into the future.

This year, the award was presented by Immediate Past President Deckman to Financial Secretary and Bingo Committee Co-Chairperson Amber Davis. Amber has been a member of the Fire Company for 13 years and has faithfully served as a support member and a member of the Executive Board for many of these years.

Chief McWilliams then introduced the 2013 Fire operations officers and presented the 2013 Firefighter Awards. Firefighter/EMT Pascoe was presented with the 2013 3rd Place Firefighter of the Year Award. Firefighter/EMT Dill was presented with the 2013 2nd Place Firefighter of the Year Award. Firefighter Pearce was honored as the 2013 1st Place Firefighter of the Year.

Also announced at this time was the recipient of the 2013 Chester A. Taylor, Jr. Fire Chief's award. his award will be presented annually to a Firefighter who exemplifies the spirit of a volunteer in their relentless commitment to the Fire Company and the Community. The 2013 award was presented to Assistant Chief Randy Scott. Randy has been a member of the Fire Company since 1990 and has served in various capacities, including Past Fire Chief in 2010.

Chief McWilliams also highlighted the 259 Fire/Rescue responses handled by our volunteers in 2013 and praised everyone for their support.

Chief Sly announced the top responders of the Fire Company who were presented with cash to assist with fuel reimbursements for responses thanks to a 2010 Federal SAFER Grant for volunteer retention which was received last year. This grant will provide for an incentive program for personnel who are the top responders over the next two years to receive reimbursements for fuel usage and other financial assistance. Volunteers were awarded funds as low as $100 and as high as $599 for their hard work and dedication.

Wagontown Chief Ziegler then came forward to present an award to Battalion Chief Sly for skills preformed at a vehicle rescue in 2013. Chief Ziegler complimented the outstanding working relationship that has been built between our organizations while partnering to provide our communities with the best service possible.

EMS Chief Sly then presented the 2013 EMS Awards.

The 2013 3rd Place EMS Provider of the Year was Fire Chief Mike McWilliams. The 2013 2nd Place EMS Provider of the Year was presented to EMT George Morris. Current EMS Chief Bill Dill was honored as the 2013 1st Place EMS Provider of the Year.

A presentation was made to the Wallace and East Brandywine Township Boards of Supervisors for their support and assistance of accepting and establishing our long-term capital funding campaign which will ensure we replace our ambulance that serves their townships on a five-year rotation. Special plaques depicting our great appreciation to these men and women for their continued support.

Special thanks and contributions were also presented to our neighboring Fire Companies who operate Quick Response Medical Services for their excellent assistance and care provided to our patients in more remote areas where they may reach a medical scene prior to the ambulance.

The final presentations of the night was a surprise to a longtime community servant, leader, and emergency responder. Past Chief Jim Supplee from our neighboring agency at the Sadsburyville Fire Company was invited to attend the banquet, for reasons he was not aware.

President Sly began by discussing the accomplishments of Past Chief Supplee, who recently began his 60th year of volunteer service to Sadsburyville in March, 2014. Following the long list of accolades, it was announced that Chief Supplee would be inducted as an honorary Life Member of the Westwood Fire Company for the many years providing assistance to our organization and our community as a whole.

The crowd acknowledged Chief Supplee with a well-deserved standing ovation as he came foward to receive his plaque, a key to the fire station, and a second recognition from the Valley Township Board of Supervisors who also thanked Chief Supplee for his dedication to serving as a mutual aid partner.

We would like to thank all of our guests, friends, Township Supervisors, and members for all their help and support throughout the year, as well as all of those who graciously donated gifts to our members.

Everyone in attendance receive a commemorative cooler as a gift for this year's banquet.

Thanks to everyone for another successful year!

We would like to express our thanks to the Christiana Fire Company for standing by at our station for the duration of our banquet so that our personnel could enjoy a night away while keeping our community well protected.