Working Car Fire in Valley Township
By EMS Chief Bill Dill
July 5, 2014

On Saturday, July 5th, 2014 as our units were clearing a fireworks detail assisting the Wagontown Fire Company at the Coatesville Country Club, the Chester County 911 Center alerted the Fire Company at 2204 for an automobile fire in the unit block of Mary Street in Valley Township.

Rescue 44, Ambulance 44-1 and Duty Officer Chief 31 Grossman all made the response one minute after dispatch at 2205 and were advised by the 911 Center that the caller was reporting flames from the front of the vehicle. Wagontown Engine 35 was added to the assignment by Chief Grossman for extra manpower.

Fire Police Lieutenant Pilotti was the first to arrive and confirm the report given. Rescue 44 arrived at 2212 and established the "Mary Street Command Post" as the crew quickly deployed a hose line to begin extinguishment of the fire. Crews from Wagontown also arrived and assisted the Westwood personnel.

Wagontown Chief Ziegler arrived and assumed the "Mary Street Command" at 2215 and advised the Command Post to place the fire under control at 2219. Chief Ziegler then made a notification to Fire Marshal Weer and a short time later all units cleared the scene.

The members of the Westwood Fire Company would like to thank the Wagontown Fire Company and Sadsburyville Chief Grossman for their assistance on this call. This is just another example of the great working relationship between our two organizations "Working Regionally to Survive Locally."

Units: Rescue 44 and Ambulance 44-1
Mutual Aid: Wagontown Engine 35