Annual Dinner with Valley Township Supervisors
By President John Sly
October 5, 2014

On Sunday, October 5th, 2014 several members of the Board of Supervisors of Valley Township met at the Westwood Fire Company for dinner and a presentation given by the Fire Company leadership.

The purpose of this evening is to continue to educate our Community leaders about the involvement and responsibilities of the Fire Company, as well as addressing our immediate financial concerns and our future needs.

This has become an annual meeting which has allowed the Township leaders and the Fire Company to maintain a positive line of communication.

As we look forward to 2015, we compiled our budgetary information and presented it to the Supervisors following dinner. A great portion of our annual operating budget is derived by fundraising activities and donations.

The costs to operate the fire company have gone up significantly over the years and call volumes continue to rise to all-time record levels.

It was another positive evening for both the fire company and Township Supervisors, and we hope to continue the great relationship we have established with our municipal leaders.

A special thank you to the Valley Township Board of Supervisors who took time out of their schedules to attend this very important evening and for their continued support of the Westwood Fire Company.