Working House Fire In Highland Township
By EMS Chief Bill Dill
February 19, 2015

On Thursday, February 19th, 2015 the Westwood Fire Company was dispatched for Engine 44-5 and an Ambulance at 2046 along with neighboring fire companies to assist the Keystone Valley Fire Department on a reported house fire in unit block of East Highland Road in Highland Township.

Ambulance 44-1 responded at 2048 followed by Engine 44-5 at 2051 with units receiving reports of a basement fire. Assistant Chief McWilliams, who lives in the area, was the first arriving to confirm a working fire and requested a working fire dispatch. Ambulance 44-1 and Keystone Chief Gathercole arrived at 2053 and established "Highland Road Command." Command advised the first in Engine to begin suppression and Engine 44-5 to supply water to the scene, with the crew to assist the interior crew from Keystone Engine 8-1.

Highland Road Command requested a "Tanker Task Force" to respond to the scene due to the rapid growth of the fire due to the winds. This brought additional tankers from area fire companies to the scene. Due to the extreme weather conditions, EMS crews setup a firefighter rehabilitation area. EMS crews also treated one firefighter for a minor injury.

The fire was placed under control at 2124 and all units cleared the scene at 2256.

Thanks to the Glen Moore Fire Company for standing by at our station with Engine 48-5 for the duration of this incident.

Units: Engine 44-5, Rescue 44, and Ambulance 44-1