Barn Fire in East Fallowfield Township
By Battalion Chief John Sly
August 23, 2015

On Sunday, August 23rd, 2015 the Westwood Fire Company was dispatched at 1141 to the 3100 block of Strasburg Road in East Fallowfield Township for reports of a barn on fire. Initial calls to 911 indicated that flames were coming from the roof of the barn and livestock was also inside the building.

In an unfortunate coincidence, just 40 minutes prior to this incident, a house fire response was dispatched in West Bradford Township just six miles away. This presented a unique response from area resources due to numerous other fire companies operating at the West Bradford incident. Initial units were dispatched to the barn fire from Westwood along with assistance from the Cochranville Fire Company, Sadsburyville Fire Company, and a Tanker from the Po-Mar-Lin Fire Company. Cochranville Engine 27-2 was already enroute to stand by for the Modena Fire Company while their personnel were busy operating at the previous house fire; they responded immediately from the Gum Tree section of neighboring Highland Township.

Modena Deputy Chief Perine, who lives in the area, arrived just four minutes after dispatch and confirmed a barn "fully involved" in flames. Cochranville Engine 27-2 arrived on the scene just two minutes later and began suppression efforts. Numerous neighbors and bystanders had assisted with removing cows and other livestock from the building before the fire consumed the entire structure.

Battalion Chief Sly arrived on the scene at 1149 and established "Strasburg Command." With no life safety hazard, the fire was immediately determined to be a defensive operation, with emphasis being placed on protecting the adjacent structures and silos. Due to a lack of a public water supply, the decision was made to set up a tanker shuttle operation from a hydrant located approximately one mile away.

Engine 44-5 responded just four minutes after dispatch and arrived on the scene at 1150. Upon arrival, crews assisted Cochranville personnel deploying hose lines for exposure control and supplied water to Engine 27-2. Minutes after the arrival of initial crews, a collapse of the building occurred which hampered firefighting efforts and delayed the suppression process.

Due to the unusual situation of multiple fire companies operating at simultaneous fires in a close proximity, a tactical decision was made by Command to utilize tankers from outlying areas. With the fire deemed to be a complete loss from the beginning of the incident, the additional mutual aid resources were also requested to respond at a "non-emergency" rate. Much of the onscene time was spent as the property owners worked diligently to remove tin roofing and siding from areas of the barn which had collapsed as well as over 100 bails of hay which were being stored stacked vertically inside the building.

Units from as far away as Oxford and Gap were called in a strategic plan as coordinated in conjunction with the Chester County 911 Center to ensure that not all local areas were without fire protection.

After the majority of the building was removed from the smouldering pile by the property owners, City of Coatesville Ladder 41-2 was brought to the scene due to the 110' aerial device which allowed firefighters to douse the massive pile of hay from an extended elevation.

A Pumper/Tanker from the Gordonville Fire Company was summoned to relocate to our Fire Station during the incident as well to remain ready as an additional resource in the area as the others were committed to the two simultaneous fires.

A total of 118,000 gallons of water was transported from the local hydrant to the scene during the duration of the incident. The final units cleared the scene at 1723.

Our thanks goes out to the organizations who provided aid to us during this incident.

Units: Engine 44-5, Tac 44, and Ambulance 44-1
Mutual Aid: Cochranville Engine 27-2 and Utility 27, Sadsburyville Engine 31-1, Glen Moore Engine 48-5, East Brandywine Engine 49-5 and Utility 49, Wagontown Engine 35 and Utility 35, Christiana Lancaster Tankers 52-1 and 52-2, Gap Lancaster Engine 42-2, Po-Mar-Lin Tanker 36, Engine 36, and Squad 36, Union of Oxford Tanker 21 and Engine 21-2, City of Coatesville Ladder 41-2, Modena Traffic 37, Washies Ambulance 41-2, and Gordonville Lancaster Tanker 43