Fire Prevention at East Fallowfield Elementary School
By Assistant Chief Adam Grossman
October 13, 2016

Personnel from Modena and Westwood Fire Companies traveled to East Fallowfield Elementary School this morning for their annual Fire Prevention program. Crews started off the morning by setting off the fire alarm for a fire drill and everyone did a great job getting outside quickly. After the drill the classes listened to a brief talk by some of the Firefighters & EMTs. They discussed when you should call 911, the different kind of tools & equipment the trucks carry as well as how much water they hold. Afterwards the teachers & students got to check out the fire apparatus and ask any questions they had about the equipment.

Thank you to East Fallowfield Elementary School for having us come talk about fire prevention and for allowing the time to let the students check things out before an emergency. Allowing us this time hopefully eases some fear for the kids if they are ever faced with a real emergency.

Units: Engine 44-5, Ambulance 44-1